Sunday, March 23

Time to Relect on the Cross

It's Easter, or as some say, Resurrection Day.

It's a day we Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We proclaim that "He is Risen." We dress up in our Sunday best and sign hymns like "Christ the Lord is Risen Today." Many of the millions who attended an Easter service around the world today have heard the gospel message before. They know they are celebrating the day in which Christ rose from the dead.

What an amazing thing it is to look back to the day Christ broke the sting of death and sin and rose to life! This Easter is only my second Easter as a believer, and it has been encouraging to look at that historical event. But, I suppose that as important of an event it is to commemorate, it is also important to look at what Christ's resurrection and life means for us today.

This week has been marked by much grief and a sober mood. When you love someone and their sin is exposed it hurts. Someone very dear to me brought unexpected news this week that I must confess did not completely surprise me, but nevertheless shocked me in a way. A reaction is to be grieved by the sin a loved one is convinced is righteous. Another reaction is to be hurt by the realization that your relationship with that person has been broken for sometime. But, another reaction is to understand that people choose sin. I can not, and I will not, accept the sin that my friend is practicing as righteous, but I also know that Christ has called me to continue to love this dear person. There is supposed paradox in how you can love someone and hate their sin, how you be longsuffering and share the truth.

But these paradoxes aren't what they appear to be. Both sides are true, and with God's wisdom and grace both are achievable. A reaction to someone's sin has to be to share the truth in love and to patiently wait upon the Lord to change someone's heart. You can be grieved by someone's sin, but you can't be controlled by it. You can be saddened by their wavering from the Lord, but you can't control them.

Ultimately, you must trust the saving work of our Savior and the purposes of the Lord. Only Christ's blood and work can change a hardened heart and forgive sin. And, only in God's timing and will will those things come to fruition. That is harder to rest in, but nevertheless, only waiting on the Lord and trusting in him can give peace.

2 Thessalonians says, Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

Back to my opening comments. Christ is risen. Amen? Amen!! I feel there is a danger to relegate Christ's work to the resurrection day. We can forget that the gospel and hope of Christ is not confined to the act of salvation. God's grace is poured out to us daily! Grace upon grace. I looked at the oceans this week in Pacific Grove and reminded myself about my thoughts on rain and grace. Imagine looking at the Pacific Ocean and seeing water as far as the eye can see... that is what God's grace is like to us Christians. When I was reflecting on God's grace I didn't expect to face trial later that week, but God knew.

I think the only reason I'm able to stay at peace in this situation is through God's grace. Looking to Christ as my hope is what comforts. Not past experiences, not worldly statistics, or conversations. A song I've sung over and over is "Inside Out." I've quoted this part before: Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades. Never ending your glory goes beyond all fame. And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise.

Christ's light will outshine any darkness that sin and the world produces. In trials, Christ is your light. Look to the Word and see the supremacy of our Savior! The blessed Lord!

In all things God's glory will prevail. We can't always undestand how God will receive glory in circumstances, but all things will be worked out to his glorious name.

In trials may my prayer be to praise the Lord through it.

Therefore, may I glorify and praise Him for his wondrous grace and will.


Anonymous said...

Cool Matt! I've been singing that song a lot over the break.

kmbaham said...

I am amazed by your wisdom and insight...both of which it takes many a lifetime to learn. I am so proud of you and the way you are handling this difficult situation, God's grace is evident in your actions and your words. It was so great to see you on Friday and I will be praying for you as you finish out your Senior year. With much love, your cousin Kimberly