Sunday, February 24

Another week gone by

So, it never ceases to amaze me how fast time goes by. I feel like it's a total lie that time will ever slow. But I'm not complaining! Life is great right now, it's just amazing to me how much there is to do.

Lets see what's happened since Saturday when I last posted...

Had some great conversations with Amy, Tanner, Josh B., Joe, and Siona.

Seen two ridiculous movies.

Read several hundred pages for my history classes, had four exams, and lived through endless pages of science questions for my DS.

Started a new Bible reading plan.

Played a crazy game of ERS.

Visited a potential graduate school I'm thinking of applying to.

... well that's some of what's happened this week. The conversations have been a huge blessing! It's been inredible to talk about so many different things throughout the week. Last night I stayed up until almost 4am talking to my friend Josh about his life. He is an MK from South Africa. We watched Hotel Rowanda, and then he told me about his experiences there in Africa, and then just about life. It was incredibly encouraging to me. I was super tired, but I feel like knowing someone better is always more important that getting rest. If I could have the depth of conversation we had last night with every conversation, I would have no problem staying up late often.

I think it's amazing how often you can hang with people and be around people and still not know them well. There's guys I've known my whole time here at Masters and yet I still do not know them well. It takes time and honesty and trust to get to know a person. There are less than five people on campus that I would say I know well, and yet I still learn more about them everyday. I feel so encouraged when the Lord gives me the opportunity to know some of my brothers better. When you know someone more you can pray for them better, minister better. But it's hard work to know someone. It's scary, too. The closer you get to people the more of them you see - and more frightening is that you become more exposed to them.

And yet, walking with my brothers the more I get to know them the more I hear about the Lord in their lives, and the encouragement that comes from learning about how my God has worked in their lives is just astonishing. Our God is great! Amen! No one has had the same experiences, and yet my brothers have all been saved by the same grace that I am justified by. I think about Galatians 3.28. I am so blessed to have brothers, and sisters, in Christ. What has made my time here at Masters has not really been the school at all, but the people that are here who love the Lord. My time here would not have been the same if I had not known those whom God has placed in my life. So, I am thankful to the Lord for the friendships that he's given me here. And, if you're reading this, you know how thankful I am for you!

To close: Happy Birthday Gramps!!

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