Saturday, August 18

A Blessed Day

I haven't posted here in a bit. I'm not really sure that anyone's reading it right now, with it being summer and me changing to this site, but I will update anyway.

Today I spent some time with my grandfather and grandmother in Antioch. Had a good time going to the store with my grandfather and then chatting with my Granny and Gramps for a bit.

Headed out to Byron to meet with my former high school science teacher, Mrs. Bell. She is now a missionary in Uganda, in a small village outside Kampala. I had not seen her for about 5-6 years, but we got in contact and decided to meet up today to talk. She is home for several months until she returns back to Uganda. I can't tell you what an amazing blessing it was to meet with her! God encouraged me so much hearing through her what He's doing in Africa.

So much of the news we hear is focused on death, HIV, orphans, widows, homeless, wars, and so on. We hear only the problems, the darkness, the hopelessness of Africa. But while all the death is real, more real than I can fathom, God is working among His children there! I don't know how many times my emotions flipped back and forth on me while I listened to Mrs. Bell speak... there is so much saddness... but there is so much joy as people come to know the hope of Jesus Christ as their Savior! She told me how she prays with multitudes of families who are watching loved ones die from AIDS, and how she offers to pray for peace. Not that they will be healed, for there is no cure now, but that God, the God of the universe, might grant them peace in their situation. Life is hard, life is brutal, but God is in control, and God does have a plan for each person's life. I thought it so interesting that she does not offer a false hope, but proclaims the hope of Christ to the sick.

I asked her if she ever has a hard time trusting God seeing the pain that has enveloped so many peoples there... in Uganda and the Sudan. She told me that she never does... she sees people turn to Christ. In their seemingly hopeless lives they can see Christ as the glorious Rock and Healer, Sustainer... unlike so many who live comfortable, easy lives. Unlike many blinded by hedonism, so many can see their need for salvation in our Lord. I thought of the passages that talk about Christ coming to save the sick... for they know they need to be healed. We all, every man, woman, and child needs the Healer, but only those that know of their need of Him can run to him.

This is too long... but I'll just say it was a huge blessing to hang out with my grandparents and to visit Mrs. Bell and hear all about God's great workings in Uganda and the Sudan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is being read. Thanks for sharing!