Friday, November 9

This week

Monday: Woke up and studied with my friend Jody at 6am for a test. Went with my RD Siona to Becca's house and had Pinkberry, a hip yogurt thing in SoCal. Took a walk with Tanner.

Tuesday: Went to Starbucks with Amanda. Then went back with Amanda, Abs, and Kaycie. Had some nice talks. Then, there was a surprise birthday party for the girls' RD Jackie. There was tap dancing, 10 cakes, and karaoeke. Lots of fun.

Wednesday: Went to Trader Joe's and Target for about 3 hours with Tanner, Amanda, and Abs. Lots of fun browsing through the stores and occasionally buying things.

Thursday: Took model pictures on the hill above Hotchkiss. Made Plof for my RD and Tanner, Josh, Hannah and Valinda. The food turned out nicely, and we had a really nice dinner conversation.

Friday-Sunday: Will have men's retreat today and tomorrow, and then homework to do whenever that is finished. And, my mom and dad will come down on Monday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is coming too!!!
We can't wait to see you. :)