Saturday, April 26

Good Friends, Lots of School

Time has flown by so fast since I last posted. I've written two major research papers, one of the Decembrists (fascinating!) and one on John Quincy Adams's time in Russia as our first minister to Russia. Those two things consumed much of my time last week, but I was still blessed to hang with some friends and enjoy some good times of fellowship, and a trip to Santa Barbara. Oh... and I got history major of the year award!! AND... Tanner and I won for dorm spirit in the school competition! Go Hotchkiss!!

Today is my best friend's birthday. So, Happy Birthday bud! It is cool to look back a year ago when we didn't know each other that well to today where we have a good friendship. I am so blessed to call him friend and brother! I think he's probably taught me the most out of any of my peers. It's been cool to watch his life lately - he's got an amazing relationship with an godly girl and is a great example to many, he passed his ridiculous senior exam, is working towards what he is doing with his life, and is preparing to serve the Lord in New Zealand for several weeks. It's really cool to see the Lord working in his life.

I've been so blessed with great friends here. Some that minister so much to me, and some that I have been privlidged to minister to. It's cool the 'circle' that friendships take.

I have two weeks left at Masters. That is incredibly exciting and makes me a little bit sad, too. It's strange to have opposing feelings. But I don't want to write about that just yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like Dr. Stead's face in that picture.